Aikido is a very young, modern Japanese martial art and consists of three elements:


  • Ai for harmony
  • Ki for spiritual strength
  • Do for path


Two Aikidokas work together on this principle at the beginning. More Aikidokas will be involved in thre more stages. The Aikido practitioners also learn to switch their perception by changing the roles from defender and the offender. Skills such as self-confidence, safety, condition and mobility will improve, and tension will be reduced. In Aikido, the chievement is individual. Aikido is not taught as a competitive sport but as a martial art. The principles of Ai Ki Do are natural and effective. The practitioners obtain a positive feedback from ist usage. If you or your children are

interested in trying Aikido, you are welcome to come by to watch or to participate!


The Aikido trainers in the Dojo Aikido Rödelheim

Jörg Ollmann (6th Dan Aikikai) is the Dojo-cho (chief instructor) of the Dojo in the TGS-Vorwärts. His Focus areas in the training are:


  • Tai-Jutsu (body techniques)
  • Aiki-Jo (wooden staff techniques)
  • Aiki-Ken (sword techniques)

Two Aikidokas work together on this principle at the beginning. More Aikidokas will be involved in thre more stages. The Aikido practitioners also learn to switch their perception by changing the roles from defender and the offender. Skills such as self-confidence, safety, condition and mobility will improve, and tension will be reduced. In Aikido, the chievement is individual. Aikido is not taught as a competitive sport but as a martial art.

The principles of Ai Ki Do are natural and effective. The practitioners obtain a positive feedback from ist usage. If you or your children are interested in trying Aikido, you are welcome to come by to watch or to participate!


The body techniques, associate the forms of the sword and staff techniques are the elements which provide the

practitioners a lot of space, e.g. for personal development. The Aikido techniques can be performed clearly, precisely and efficiently, only with Ki – the energy of breathing. The holism of this approach can be proved not only in the hobby Aikido but also in many stituations in daily life. Please try it.


To be able to practice Aikido, one needs a good sense of balance, have and differenciate between right and left and should know where the front or the back is. The defender practices a predetermined technique. And then the offender changes his roll quickly as a person who is to be thrown and taking a safe fall, ukemi. Therefore, Aikidoka will be able to roll and fall well. You are very welcome to take a trial session. You just need sports clothing for your first training.